Does anyone really need this? We all know where we were this weekend. Really for the last 2 weeks preparing for this past weekend. Incase you are one of the few who are in the dark, this weekend our church put on a play called "Bow The Knee". It was amazing! A lot of people poured a lot into making this weekend happen. I hope & pray that all that hard work will continue to pour out into the community & continue to plant seeds for Jesus.
That aside I'm exhausted! How about you other Bloggers out there? I miss my bed, I miss my kids, I miss my husband who has been on vacation since April 1st and yet we've managed to see less of eachother in the past 13 days rather than more? I also really really miss my bed, and a full 8 hours of uninterupted sleep! I can't blame that all on the play, because sleep as a mother of a 3 & 1 year old is a joke. You never get enough anymore.
On the bright side of this blog, I am looking forward to the remainder of April. Our goal is to soak up the time off we have together, before it is sadly over as of May 1st. We have some day trips planned as a family over the next couple of weeks. This week is the Texas Freshwater Fisheries in Athens, and possibly taking Trenten to see "Monsters Vs. Aliens" which would be his first time to a movie theatre. Along with finishing up some house project we started the 1st week Adam was off... that may have been a little much all at once.
I have the first coat of black on all the kitchen cabinets, except for a small lower section that we are not brave enough to paint with Jonah awake. Plus painting all the doors, and sprucing up the original hardware. If you have never been to our house, you will not understand the magnitude of this one project! We have A LOT of cabinets, which equals A LOT of doors!
Did I mention several Flats of Flowers I thought I would be able to plant all in one day? Plus cutting the Landscaping Timbers we bought to divide new flower beds from the rest of our jungle! I'm starting to worry the flowers will be dead before I get them in the ground!
With not having TV, you would think Time would be of over abundance in our house? Yet, I have all these projects started... that are needing finished before OCD Julie has a nervous breakdown, and yet so little time to do it in! Also not to mention the disagreements my OCD problem starts with Adam not painting the way I think is right, & flower beds not being perfectly level... I know, I'm terrible. Which leads to us really needing some of this....
The Greatest thing left to look forward to in April is the 24th-27th. Adam & I are taking our first real trip together,
alone!!! We went to Dallas for the weekend for our Honeymooon due to my school schedule. With all intentions of taking a real honeymoon later. Well, almost 6 years & 2 kids later Dallas is as far as we've been for a couple of weekend trips. Plus one weekend in San Antonio for Mother's Day when Trenten was 4 months old, and a family Trip to Arkansas for Thanksgiving 2 years ago. Needless to say, we so desperately need this! 4 days 3 nights of just us in a Bed & Breakfast in Fredricksburg. Neither of us have ever stayed in a B&B, or gone to Fredricksburg. So we are excited, and counting down the days!
Stay tunes for more posts & pictures of our fun trips, and yes "Projects" around the house!
Until May,